VINTAGE ROSE GEORGIA 2019 Otto Premiere • 100% Damascena Rose Essential Oil • Georgia Eastern Europe


VINTAGE ROSE GEORGIA 2019 Otto Premiere • 100% Damascena Rose Essential Oil • Georgia Eastern Europe

from $29.00

VINTAGE ROSE GEORGIA 2019 Otto Premiere • 100% Damascena Rose Essential Oil • Georgia Eastern Europe

We liked this rose oil so much that we bought the entire 2019 production from this on-site verified artisanal plantation distiller in Georgia, Eastern Europe. It has now aged beautifully offering a subtle refinement and vintage bouquet. 

• production: 2019 exclusive single-estate hydro-distilled rose essential oil 100%. Double distilled in steel and glass. Article Here.

• species: Rosa x damascena

• scent description: Careful aging has imparted rare and exquisite dried rose and wilted rose notes that weave beautifully among the fresh aspects, giving this rose oil a unique vintage “dusty rose” character. A sunny, bright, mostly straightforward, and glowingly warm rose aroma; our Otto Premiere Georgian rose essential oil also brims with background floral complexity that seems to extend beyond just the scent of roses. Other sunny flowers dance with the roses here, in an unabashedly joyful, frolicking, and youthful romp. The vintage notes make this an exceptional rose of unusual refinement. Excellent value.

More on the history of the Damacena rose…
Also known as the Damask rose, the Rosa x damascenea species is a natural hybrid that occurred most likely by chance through cross-pollination, roughly where Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan meet, an estimated 7000 years ago. (Rosa gallica, Rosa fedschenkoana, and Rosa moschata are implicated.) Probably noticed by humans in the region for its remarkable scent and special medicinal properties, archeological studies have uncovered evidence of crude distillation and press extraction of Damascena rose flowers going back an unbelievable 6000 years. Thus began the journey of this exquisite scent into aromatic history as it spread into the surrounding lands and cultures over millennia to take its place as a now renowned and revered aromatic for the well-being and sheer joy of body, mind, and spirit.

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