KHANH HOA SINKING • must-have limited collectors edition Oud • Khanh Hoa, Vietnam


KHANH HOA SINKING • must-have limited collectors edition Oud • Khanh Hoa, Vietnam

from $333.00

KHANH HOA SINKING • Premium In-House Wild Oud • Khanh Hoa, Vietnam

A must-have limited collectors edition epic Oud. The most expensive oil we have ever produced due to the exceptionally high grade of wood we chose for this oil. Fortunately, the resulting oil hits the mark. Begin with a superlative terroir with a unique agarwood aromatic profile, carefully select a superior-grade agarwood for its exquisite aroma and unique profile. Then distill with the precision, tradition, and the attention to detail we are famous for; to then patiently age the oil to perfection… The result is a shining pinnacle of Oud glory, Khanh Hoa Sinking is an Aroma Sublime in-house collectors edition we are immensely proud of.

• production: June 2022, a special selection of wild agarwood from Khanh Hoa Vietnam, distilled in-house by Tha and Pierre. Copper still, glass collector. Wood from only 2 trees cut in the same vicinity.

• scent highlights: black fruit and berries, spices, vanilla, violet. Highly pheromonal.

• scent description: Starts out with a medley of intense ripe black fruits, cinnamon, violet (deep floral and green aspects), and a fine vanilla extract coming through strong. Opens up into a broader spectrum of dark fruits, berries, and spices; ripe plum, black fig, ripe black cherry, black grape, tawny port wine, grape must, blueberry, cassia, nutmeg, more earthy cinnamon, allspice, green peppercorn, black pepper, and dark rum. The vanilla mellows down into rubbed vanilla pod. As this oil rolls out toward its final destination, some delicious, steady, base structures emerge; exotic hardwood and finely stocked cigar humidor, where you’ll enjoy rosewood, cedar, a hint of pine resin, and the finest tobacco leaf.

• notes of controversy: none, smooth and silky from start to finish

• species: unidentified Aquillaria spp.

Additional notes:

• When we say wild, we mean wild! All our “wild” designated agarwood and oil is from genuine 100% naturally occurring wild forest agarwood trees with no human interventions prior to harvest. Occasionally we might offer other options, but they will be clearly indicated as either “cultivated” (farmed) or “semi-wild” (agarwood growth influenced by human intervention in a natural setting). When we say wild, we mean wild!

• One tree wonders! We strongly prefer single-tree agarwood harvests and single tree Oud oil distillations. This has both environmental benefits and aesthetic benefits in terms of capturing the unique essence of a single, fully mature, agarwood tree. When this single-tree preference is not possible we strongly favour combining wood from only a few fully mature trees, of known provenance, from trusted and experienced harvesters. More and more you will see us moving toward single-tree productions. It’s part of our commitment to sustainability and the joy we take in honouring the individual aromatic “soul” of each tree we harvest.

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