INVOCATION • Orris & Ambergris Perfume • by Pierre Black


INVOCATION • Orris & Ambergris Perfume • by Pierre Black


INVOCATION • Orris & Ambergris Perfume • by Pierre Black

INVOCATION is a captivating and richly pheromonal feminine perfume that exudes pure seduction. Showcasing the velvety richness of orris butter and the enigmatic siren's call of ambergris, this luxurious scent invokes the essence of love, ineffable truth, and feminine beauty. Sensual, elegant, and irresistibly magnetic, INVOCATION is an elixir crafted to enchant the senses and leave them spellbound. At its heart, orris lends a creamy, sumptuous, deep-floral elegance that evokes timeless beauty and refinement. This is perfectly harmonized by the rare and mystical allure of natural ambergris, the ultimate aphrodisiac of the great historical perfume traditions, known for its rapturous call. The silky smooth, yet potent notes of INVOCATION settle into the skin and interact with feminine body chemistry, creating a time-stopping aura of intimacy and intrigue.

• key notes: orris butter, ambergris, musky-floral, oceanic, feminine-pheromonal, bergamot.
• production: more than one year in production, initially blended in May 2023, passive tincture
• potency: True perfume, with 15% pure aromatics.
• format: Comes in a 6ml crystal bottle with glass dipper.
• gender: best with feminine body chemistry.
• time of day: evening/night.
• season/climate: autumn, winter, spring, cooler climates.

As are all Pierre Black perfumes, the ingredients are 100% natural, crafted and blended according to traditional old-world perfumery methodologies. Unlike many natural perfumes on the market, perfumes by Pierre Black are crafted to last longer on your skin, using only natural ingredients, a key challenge in natural perfumery.

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