A note from Tony Bolton...

Dear Customer,

Welcome to the Aroma Sublime website. We value the personal touch, so please dont hesitate to contact us directly with any questions or special requests you might have.

Our exclusive, limited, curated collection of Oud, Sandalwood, and Frangipani oil are produced right here by us personally in small batches.

The other Oud oils we offer, as well as our exclusive Rose oils, come only from trusted, verified suppliers. In addition, most outsourced products are sent for laboratory testing at Phytochemia in Canada to ensure purity and authenticity.


Our pride and joy is our Frangipani flower oil from our own home plantation. Hydro-distilled Frangipani essential oil is very rare, and as far as we know we are one of the few companies in the world who produce this incredible flower bomb! Its common for other “experts” to say that hydro-distillation of Frangipani is impossible. Well, we like doing the impossible!

We also pride ourselves on our two single-estate varieties of pure Rose essential oil, one from Georgia and the other from Persia. Our colleague visits the distilleries there personally so there is no risk of adulteration and no middle men.

We are happy to answer any questions you might have. We are here to meet your needs and provide unmatched price to quality with a personal touch.

I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Tony, owner and distiller, AromaSublime Vietnam

 See the Shopping Page or our Etsy Shop for current prices.